Thursday, January 28, 2016

Realism Defined via Women Characters: Howells and James


                     William Dean Howells and Henry James as young writers

English 3332 students:

For our Friday, January 29, blog, please post a comment of at least two well-developed paragraphs comparing and contrasting Julia Tinker and Daisy Miller, the female protagonists of "A Romance of Real Life" and "Daisy Miller," respectively. Please use as least two quotations from each story (in other words, at least four total) in your comment.

After you post your comment, please reply in one well-developed paragraph to at least one of the other students' comments.


Alternative topic for those who attended the film screening of Daisy Miller on Wednesday afternoon:

Rather than posting your comment in the blog, please email me ( a comment of at least two well-developed paragraphs about specific differences between the film version of Daisy Miller and the original short story. Please be specific and use quotes from the story to develop your answer.


Reminders about upcoming reading: please remember to read the Mark Twain selections, pp. 53-55 and 60-69, in the textbook before Monday's class, and please read the poems by Twain on this web site link and here: link for additional poems by Twain.

Have a great weekend,
Dr. K

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Welcome to American Literature after 1870!


Dear English 3332 students,

Please read pp. 1-37 in our textbook before posting a comment of at least two well-developed paragraphs on this introductory question:

In what ways did the U. S. Civil War affect trends in American literature in the 1865-1910 period, as discussed on pp. 1-37?

After you post your comment, please reply to at least one of the other students' comments in one well-developed paragraph.

Please post comments and replies during the fifty minutes of our class time (11:00-11:50 a.m.).

Handout for Monday's reading: "A Romance of Real Life" by William Dean Howells: story link

Over the weekend, please read "A Romance of Real Life," and please bring a printed copy of this story and your textbook to class with you on Monday.

Have a great weekend,
Prof. K